Oppo Salted Caramel with Lucuma Ice Cream Review

oppo salted caramel lucuma

I've always been curious about Oppo ice cream, I've heard so many good things about it but the price point and the fact it's so hard to find always put me off...until now, because Heron Frozen Foods have been selling the stuff for only £1 for a large tub of Mint Choc Swirl or three mini tubs of Salted Caramel for £1! This is an amazing bargain because the large tubs usually cost around £6 in Holland & Barrett (!) So I simply had to stock up on both flavours...

I'm reviewing them separately because both deserve their own review, they're that good! First up is Salted Caramel with Lucuma. I ate this at the park, but for once I didn't need my faithful spoon that I take everywhere with me...no, Oppo have provided a mini plastic spoon handily tucked underneath the lid. Genius!

oppo salted caramel lucuma

I bought three small tubs of this for £1. The inner lids had various "Oppo Principles" printed on them, things like "You don't need loads of sugar or calories for ice cream to taste incredible". After trying this ice cream I have to say I agree with that statement...

Oppo is made with cold-pressed coconut oil, fresh milk and stevia leaf and contains no added sugars; all the sugars are naturally occuring. It contains 64% fewer calories and 65% less sugar than standard salted caramel ice creams.

oppo salted caramel with lucuma

I didn't expect to enjoy a sugar free ice cream, considering my previous bad experiences with sweeteners in products, but this was actually a delicious ice cream that tasted better for not having any sugar...really!

Upon taking a bite I was immediately hit with the strong salted caramel flavour...it had a strangely "natural" earthy taste to it, very flavoursome but not sugary sweet like with most ice creams. It contains "a hint of Lucuma" which is a fruit with a caramel flavour, so perhaps this is where it was coming from. The salt flavour is spot-on...not overly salty but not skimping on it either. I really enjoyed this ice cream, it felt light and fresh to eat and didn't give me a heavy feeling in my stomach afterwards. It also had a taste that reminded me somewhat of Caramac...I can see why people love this stuff so much!

Overall, I can't praise Oppo enough, this is a tasty ice cream that manages to be guilt free and sugar free without resorting to chemical sweeteners...quite the feat! I'll be stocking up on these while I still can but I fear they won't last very long in Heron Foods...good stuff like this never does. I hope to see more Oppo products in the future and hopefully they'll become more widely available.

9 out of 10.


  1. Replies
    1. Haha it is well under way ;) I really hope these guys bring out more flavours in the future...can you imagine if they did a berry flavour?!

  2. Except that is is not a 'no added sugar product.' If it says that on these packs that may be why it is being sold off cheaply at Heron foods. It has added sugar. The sugars are not naturally occurring. It uses fruit juice to sweeten it, which is fructose and considerer the same as adding sugar.


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