
Showing posts with the label Häagen Daz

Häagen-Dazs Yuzu Citrus & Cream (Limited Edition) Review

I've been itching to try this new Limited Edition Häagen-Dazs ever since I saw it amongst all the new ice creams in Sainsbury's recently. There's not many citrusy ice creams around - the flavour is usually reserved for sorbet - so I was excited to see how it would work in an ice cream. The description reads: "Haagen-Dazs has selected exquisite yuzu fruit from Japan, a sour hybrid mandarin and ichang papeda, and sweet oranges then mixed their juices to create a refreshing sauce that twists your indulgent ice cream". So this isn't just any ordinary citrus fruit! Opening the lid, I found that the ice cream looked like regular vanilla Häagen-Dazs but with a pale yellow swirl running through it. It's not clearly visible in my photos unfortunately. The ice cream tasted lovely; a mixture of both creamy and zingy. The yuzu flavour is subtle, not quite as tart as lemon and not quite as fruity as orange. It blended well with the vanilla ice cream, and...

Spotted In Shops! - Percy Pig Porridge, Champagne Häagen Dazs, Snowy Puffs, Milk Tooth Chocolate & More...

There's been a plethora of new products released recently, so much so that it's hard to keep up with them all! Here's a few I've spotted since the Xmas Edition  of Spotted In Shops... Marks & Spencer Percy's Pink Porridge: What better breakfast for the cold Winter months than pink porridge with the flavour of Percy Pig sweets ?! Spotted at Marks & Spencer. Häagen Dazs Marc De Champagne Truffle (Limited Edition): Häagen Dazs have released this limited edition Marc De Champagne Truffle flavour in time for Christmas. It contains a swirl of marc de champagne sauce and chocolate truffle pieces in vanilla ice cream. It costs £4.45 per tub at Waitrose. Magnum Chocolate and Raspberry Ice Cream: Also in Waitrose were these new tubs of Magnum chocolate and raspberry ice cream, which contains milk & dark chocolate Magnum pieces, chocolate ice cream and raspberry sauce. Heston from Waitrose Malted Milk and Marmalade Ice Cream: Waitrose h...