New Butterkist Salted Caramel Popcorn Review

So there's not one, not two, but three new popcorn flavours on shelves at the moment from Butterkist, and as well as that there's Pop Works & Company trying to muscle in on their territory...I can't keep up with it all! That hasn't stopped me seeking out and trying all of these new flavours, of course ;)

This Salted Caramel flavour is a permanent addition to the range, capitalising on the popularity of salted caramel flavoured...everything. I don't know if it differs in any way to the Butterkist Discoveries Salted Caramel popcorn that was out last year.

It's described as "popcorn coated with salted caramel flavour toffee" and is suitable for vegetarians as well as being gluten free. It contains milk so isn't vegan friendly unfortunately.

These were 79p over the weekend in Tesco along with the Choc Mallow flavour, so I snapped up both while I could (review of Choc Mallow due later!)

Opening the bag it smelled and looked pretty similar to regular Butterkist Toffee

It tastes different though...there's definitely a lick of salt with it, although it didn't taste as good as I'd has a sweet syrupy, salty crunch but lacked the buttery flavour that makes "proper" caramel so yummy. I guess the clue was in the description...this isn't real caramel, just flavouring. I doubt they've altered the basic recipe they used for this compared to their toffee popcorn, apart from adding salt.

Overall, an ok popcorn but it doesn't live up to what salted caramel should be like. I would eat this again, but I much prefer the new Butterkist Yogurt Coated Popcorn.

7 out of 10.


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