New! Galaxy Nut Crunch Bar Review

Since reviewing the new Honeycomb Crisp bar from Galaxy I've been on the hunt for this new Nut Crunch variety too. It's a bit harder to find and most stores don't stock it yet, but by chance I spotted one in my local WH Smith amongst the rest of Galaxy's newly-updated range.

Like the Honeycomb Crisp, it comes in the new sleeker style packaging design, and is wrapped in a shiny paper foil wrapper. It's described as "Milk chocolate with almond (4.8%) and hazelnut (4.9%) pieces".

Opening the wrapper revealed lots of nuts embedded within the chocolate:

It smelled very sweet and creamy but with an extra hint of nuttiness.

Taste-wise, it did what it said on the tin really - it was nutty and very crunchy. The nuts were moreish and tasty, with an almost caramelized burnt sugar edge to them. I found myself nibbling on the chocolate slowly so I could savour the taste - they were so nice! The chocolate was very sweet, but with the smooth and creamy texture that Galaxy is known for. I enjoyed this bar even more than the Honeycomb Crisp variety, as the savoury flavour of the nuts tempered the sweetness of the chocolate somewhat.

Overall, this is a deliciously tasty, moreish bar of chocolate that works surprisingly well. If you like nuts then I'd highly recommend giving it a try!

Price: £1 at WH Smith.
Suitable for vegetarians?: Doesn't state on packaging.
Allergy Information: Contains milk, soya & nuts. May contain wheat gluten.
Nutrition Information (per 100g): 560 Calories, 52.1g Carbohydrate (51.5g Sugars), 35.3g Fat (18.8g Saturates).


  1. Oooooooo, Kev! I've had a thing recently for galaxy and this is right up my street :)

    (Dear Thirty)

    1. Hehe me too. I scoffed half a large Galaxy Caramel bar's just so addictive :)

  2. You are SO good at hunting things down! I'm heading to WH Smith on Friday anyway so hopefully I'll get lucky.

    Great view!

    1. Thankyou :) I love the thrill of finding new snacks hehe, makes life more fun!


    I take my (chocolate) hat of to you Kev always on the ball finding the NEW snacks. I told the Galaxy people in a tweet that I haven't seen it and they gave me a link which didn't work and suggested to them if they could make Banjo Galaxy suggested by a FB friend (you) but that question (surprise surprise) was ignored!

    1. Thanks :) Hmm who knows maybe it'll at least give them the incentive to think about trying a Galaxy wafer bar similar to Banjo! It's what the snacks world needs :)

  4. This isn't really very different from the existing "Galaxy Roasted and Caramelised Hazelnuts" bar, is it? I'm sure this bar is nice but it's not exactly groundbreaking stuff, is it? Why is UK chocolate so unadventurous?!

    1. I haven't eaten the Caramelised Nuts bar in ages so I can't really say. But I agree though, we need more adventurous chocolate combinations. At least Cadbury are trying some new things.

    2. Mars should buck up their ideas and take a leaf out of Cadbury's book and re-invent some new chocolates and wouldn't harm them to bring back some oldies like Treets (better than M & M's in my humble opinion!) Spangles, Pacers and of Course Peanut Banjo and Coconut Banjo (even as a Limited Edition)

      If anyone is reading this lets prove it to Mars that there is demand for Banjo to be re-issued and please click Like on my FB Page (link above) Thank you! :)

  5. Spotted this and the Honeycomb Crunch bar in Waitrose the other day, very much prefer this over the latter. Very moreish, though I do still have a good two thirds of the bar left in the fridge! I wish there were more peanut butter and chocolate combinations in the world of UK chocolate and confectionery. I may or may not have purchased the new Hotel Chocolat bar earlier today....

    1. Do you mean to say Hotel Chocolat are doing a new peanut butter bar? :O

    2. There's a mini Hotel Chocolat peanut nibbed bar...I'll be ecstatic if there's also a peanut butter one!

  6. No mark out of 10?
    I found this at the sweetshop right next to my house. I buy a pack almost everyday!

  7. Very dissapointed the last bar was 100% better


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