Donkers Choco Bananas

I can't help but smile when it comes to these sweets. Firstly, because the name Donkers sounds funny, and secondly because they tasted ace and reminded me of being a kid again.

I found these in Family Bargains for £1. After trying the Gnaw Go Bananas recently I've been searching for some decent quality foam bananas, and these fit the bill perfectly. The only problem is they aren't really "foam" bananas, they're more like jelly bananas and are made from pectin, which according to the online dictionary is: "A soluble polysaccharide present in ripe fruits and used as a setting agent in jams and jellies". They're produced in Holland.

The taste of the pectin was very evident and made these Choco Bananas taste absolutely delicious. They had a fruity taste and an almost gooey texture that was extremely moreish and addictive. I couldn't stop eating them! The banana flavour was very realistic. The chocolate however wasn't anything special, but it did provide a nice contrast to the fruitiness.

These are the sort of sweets you can eat by the handful, and if like me you loved foam bananas as a kid, I would highly recommend them. They're actually nicer than real foam bananas, although the texture is very different.

Were you a fan of foam bananas as a kid? Do you still buy them?


  1. Foam bananas rock, but pectin tends to make stuff a bit sticky and more moist doesn't it...more like jelly. Not sure if that's the case here too?

    A pic n'mix staple though for sure, along with the classic foam shrimp and fizzy cola bottle!

    1. Yeah, these were definitely more sticky and moist. Not quite the same as good old foam nanas but they were much fruitier.

      Cola bottles rock! Especially the fizzy ones.

  2. Yeah foam bananas are awesome! I still buy them!

    I laughed at Donkers too!

    Better than Cola bottles is Fizzy Bubblegum bottles!

    1. Are those the pink and blue coloured ones? If so I have to agree!

    2. Yes those ones, they are my favourites!

  3. Sounds like these are highly recommended - I must keep a look out. However, I don't have a Family Bargains near me, but they might turn up in one of the numerous pound stores in London.

    Donkers - what a name!

    1. Haha the name is crazy isn't it? These european companies!

      You could try looking for these in 99p stores if you have one, they seem to sell a lot of similar stock to Family Bargains.

  4. Donkers!! So brilliant. I hope I can find some of these too. It's so funny you posted this, as yesterday I bought a packet of foam bananas from M&S, I think your Gnaw Go Bananas review was on my mind! :D

    1. Aww that's nice to know :) I bet they're good since they're not just any foam bananas, but M&S foam bananas. Haha.


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