Milka Chocolate Dessert

If I were to sum up this Milka Chocolate Dessert in one word, it would be AWFUL. But that's too easy, and maybe a little unfair. I'm sure it's not normally so horrible, but the one I tried was. It was a little past it's best before date (by less than a month), but I still don't think that's an excuse for how bad it tasted.

When I bought this for 40p (from a discount store, naturally) the lady at the till informed me I could get three for a pound, which I politely declined. I knew why she was trying to get rid of them... because they were obviously rubbish! Still, being the snacks hunter I am I had to give one a try for reviewing purposes. The things I put myself through...

This was described as "Milk chocolate with alpine milk and whipped cocoa filling". I was expecting it to be a simple cheap truffle type filling, but it was much worse than that. The vegetable fat must have gone rancid or something, because the taste was just awful. I can't really describe it properly... it was kind of dry, musty and just tasted "off". The milk chocolate coating didn't really help matters, since there was more filling than chocolate.

I imagine this would be a lot nicer if it were in date, but I can't say for sure so if you've tried this bar yourself please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts, otherwise I shall have to assume it's one to avoid in future!


  1. I have tried it (not expired!) and I thought it was one of the nicest regular Milka bars out there.

    1. Ok, you've convinced me it's not so bad afterall :) If I see one again [in date], I'll re-review it.

  2. Is this another Polish bar? There are some interesting Milka flavours turning up all the time! I like the look of this but I would expect the "chocolate dessert" filling to just be a chocolate truffle filling.

    1. It's actually a German one, so I was surprised it tasted so bad. You're right the "dessert" was just a truffle filling..basically vegetable fat and cocoa powder! Considering Ana's comment above though, I'll probably give it another try if I see it in date.

  3. Please have a look at my review:

    1. Thankyou, looks like I misjudged this bar! Will re-review it if I find a fresher one.

  4. Slicing a cake into layers can be a difficult task. A quick trick is to take a loop of dental floss and bring around the width of the cake.


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