Fruittella Pixels

Whilst in Home Bargains recently I came across 16g sachets of these Fruittella Pixels for the very low price of 12p (or thereabouts). Like lots of cheap stuff sold at Home Bargains I thought "why not?" and added them to my basket.

The name intrigued me too, because Pixels seems a bit of an old-school kind of name for a sweet product. Nowadays it's all "LOL Drinks", "iGums", "Jellicons" and whatnot.

The sweets are little block-shaped fruity chews to fit with the name, which is a nice idea. There's a picture on the wrapper showing an X made from them so I had a go at making one myself:

I'm not sure how it ended up looking like a cross...maybe divine intervention was at work!

They tasted a bit similar to Skittles, with similar flavours and a similar chewy texture, but much weaker in flavour. And because of their tiny size they were kinda annoying because you have to eat more to feel like you're eating something substantial.

Overall, an interesting product concept which I'm sure kiddies will enjoy. They're a nice little novelty and also probably good for decorating cakes or muffins with. I wouldn't buy them again myself though because there's much better sweets out there and they're too insubstantial.

Price: About 12p at Home Bargains but I can't remember exactly, sorry! Asda sell them too.
Ingredients: Contains shellac and beeswax - so not suitable for vegetarians.


  1. Thanks for all the linkys! I've actually got a packet of these Pixels too, although I bought them in Asda and the packaging is slightly different.

    I agree that these are probably best for smaller kids. They remind me of Rowntree's Tooty Frooties!

    1. Ah yes Tooty Frooties is a good comparison! They're like baby tooty frooties lol.


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