Walkers Ham & Mustard Crisps Review

When I spotted the new range of Walkers sammy-inspired crisps recently I must admit I was a bit overwhelmed and a little freaked out...Bacon and Tomato Ketchup is just wrong, it should be bacon and brown sauce! Instead of that heinous combination I went for the far more "normal" Salad Cream and Cucumber Sandwich, and also this Ham and Mustard as part of a two for a pound deal. Ham and mustard isn't a new flavour concoction for crisps, Seabrooks have done it before and they did it really well. So I had high hopes for these...

Sadly they're nowhere near as great as Seabrooks version used to be. They have a decent mustardy flavour but it's rather mild for my liking, the sort of thing that will please the masses but it's not for the more extreme crisp flavour lover.

Move along, no more to see here...these are okay crisps but probably the least exciting of the new range by far. Stay tuned for reviews of the others...from Bacon and Tomato ketchup to Chicken Mayonnaise, I intend to try them all, because...well, you only live once!

7 out of 10. 


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