Jimmy's Gingerbread Iced Coffee

jimmys gingerbread iced coffee

I'm not a big coffee drinker any more; it was making me too shaky, however when I spotted this new Gingerbread flavour Jimmys Iced Coffee in Tesco recently I just had to give it a try. Gingerbread coffees are commonplace in cafes, but this is the first one I've ever seen in a shop before.

jimmys gingerbread iced coffee

The ingredients are pretty simple and clean; British semi skimmed milk, Arabica coffee, demerera sugar, acidity regulator and natural flavouring. It's suitable for vegetarians and gluten free.

I poured the coffee into my special latte glass to make it feel extra special. It tasted alright; there's a nice balance of milk versus coffee, with a subtle ginger flavour in there too, but it wasn't quite the warming spicy kick I was hoping for. The fact that it's iced coffee rather than latte is the problem really - it's neither warm and comforting nor frothy and creamy. If they'd have made this a latte I think I'd have preferred it a lot more.

7 out of 10. 

Not long until the Big Day itself now...are you all excited?!


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