Aldi Choceur Coffee & Cream

aldi choceur coffee and cream

It's always nice to get new white chocolate variations, especially if they involve coffee, so today's review is dedicated to none other than Aldi who brought out this Coffee & Cream Choceur white chocolate recently. They also do Coconut Crunch and White Crisp varieties, which I can't eat since they contain gluten. Boo! If you're a fan of the coffee chocolates from Merci this may be a bar you'll enjoy...

aldi choceur coffee and cream

The bar has a layer of coffee flavour milk chocolate on the bottom and a thicker layer of white chocolate above it. The blocks are very chunky indeed; just the way I like my chocolate!

aldi choceur coffee and cream

It tastes pretty good. The white chocolate is creamy and super sweet, although it somewhat overpowers the coffee milk chocolate layer. It's a nice bar but a bit too mild on the coffee front for my liking.

Overall, not a bad variation from Aldi, but I'd definitely like to see a more upmarket version. Something like the coffee chocolate from Merci in bar form!

7 out of 10.


  1. We're fans of this too - all things coffee-flavoured in fact which are tricky to find in the UK. We've struggled to find this product recently and tweeted them. They're not producing/selling it any more. Boo hoo. Do you know of an alternative ?

    1. The only similar thing i can think of is the coffee chocolate in packs of Merci chocolates sold at Aldi.

    2. Oh nooo, dont tell me theh dont make it anymore ! This was my Favorite and the Best for years. Childhoods taste ! I’m so disappointed have to write an emai to the company .


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