Ape Slightly Peppered Crispy Coconut Curls Review

A few years ago Salted Caramel was the latest foodie trend, but this year it seems that it's all things raw/vegan/vegetable and...coconut. Ahh, the humble coconut, how I love thee so! (Though not as much as my coconutter pal Reaching For Refreshment does!)

Whilst in Morrisons recently a new coconutty treat caught my eye in the Free From section...these "Slightly Peppered Crispy Coconut Curls" made by Ape Snacks. They're a company that "aim to be awesome and make snacking better", and to that end these coconut curls contain only coconut, pepper, salt, cardamom and cumin powder. They're gluten free, sugar free, vegan, high in fiber, 107 calories and also part of your 5 a day - hurrah!.......right?!

These cost me £1 for a mere 20g, which is a bit of a ripoff if you ask me. They were pretty tasty though for a "healthy" snack. They had a nice crunchy texture and the spices made them taste savory rather than sweet, which was the odd thing about them really - I usually associate coconut with sweet things so to have them as a savory snack felt a bit weird. They were nice but after eating them I was still hungry...I felt like I'd just eaten a rabbits portion of food (and I'm sure any rabbit would still be hungry after these too!)

Overall, these are a decent snack if you're on a sugar-free/paleo/vegan diet, but the price for the amount you get is just extortionate and so I can't endorse them. I would stick with the similar Crisp Coconut you can buy plain from Holland & Barrett instead, you get a lot more for your money!

7 out of 10. 


  1. I can't get my head around a savoury coconut snack.. Coconut is meant to be sweet, delicious and tropical :/ xx


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