Corifeo Liquid Filled Sugar Easter Eggs (TK Maxx) Review

Whilst in TK Maxx recently I spotted these "Liquid filled sugar eggs" and bought them because they sounded rather unusual, in that they're not regular chocolate eggs, but rather liquid filled sugar sweets. This isn't something you see often, although Nestlé attempted it once with Fruity Smarties Mini Eggs:

The eggs reminded me of jelly beans but with a much harder, crunchier shell. They come in an array of bright colours with speckles on them:

To be honest there's not much I can say about the taste as they were all insipidly sweet and overly sugary - there was very little fruit flavour to them. The shells were hard and crunchy, and the liquid filling was simply a basic sugar syrup. Nothing all that exciting really! Still, I imagine kids with a sweet tooth would love them.

Overall, these are an interesting novelty and definitely one for the kids, but not something I would recommend. I would suggest looking in TK Maxx after Easter though as they usually do heavy discounts on their Easter chocolates!

RATING: 5 out of 10. 

Have you tried these Corifeo Liquid Filled Eggs? If so what did you think? 


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