New Aero Mousse Chocolate Bar Review
Here we have the latest chocolate bar to shake up the confectionary world, the imaginitive new Aero Mousse! Please do forgive my sarcasm, it's just that this bar seems a bit plain and pointless to me, but nevertheless I still had to give it a try when I spotted it in Boots recently. According to the press release, it's being marketed at women, because of course no man would ever eat such a light chocolate bar. Only Yorkies for us please! Opening the wrapper and placing the bar next to it I was struck by how small it looked. I presumed this is because the mousse adds extra to the weight of the bar...but it only weighs 34g which doesn't seem a lot! I'm not sure how much a regular Aero weighs these days as I never buy them, but I'm pretty sure it's more than 34 grams. Anyway, the front of the pack gives the calories for half of the bar...because of course any self respecting woman would only eat a measly 17 grams! Being the manly man that I ...