Nestlé Orion Studentská White Chocolate

For my second review here we have the Orion brand "Studentská Pečet White", another bar I purchased from my local Polish shop. Hmm I'm starting to sense a theme developing here! :)

The white chocolate in this bar wasn't all that great, to be honest, but that didn't matter because it was crammed full of raisins, peanuts and crunchy "jelly-like" orange pieces. As you can see here, the chocolate is quite chunky and has plenty of filling:

I really loved the mixture of different textures and flavors in this bar. The peanuts were especially good, giving a nice savoury, salty taste that worked well with the sweet white chocolate. The orange pieces were very nice too, and added a nice fruity zing to the bar. The raisins were also good, and quite large in size.
If only the white chocolate itself has been nicer...sadly it was just very sweet and only slightly milky. Still, it was a good carrier for the fruit and nuts.

Overall, I thought this was a very tasty bar and one I would definitely buy again!

After a bit of online research it seems that this is a Czech brand owned by Nestle. They also do dark and milk chocolate versions, which I didn't see when I bought this...hopefully I'll come across them in future!

My verdict: If you happen to see this bar it's definitely worth a try!


  1. This is something I have never seen before, so will keep my eyes peeled for it. I have tried a few of the Orion brand chocs, and have been pleasantly surprised to be honest. These Polish shops do at least provide an opportunity for us to try things which were never in our normal repertoire before!

    1. Hey Marcus, thanks for checking out my blog :)

      I have a post coming up tomorrow with a bad experience of the Orion brand...they seem to be a little hit and miss to me, but Studentska is definitely one of their better offerings.
      Polish shops are great aren't they...they seem to have much more imaginative flavours than us Brits! They also seem to really like their wafer bars.


    Je suis allé en République-thèque et comme je suis dans une grande surface j'ai acheter "Orion studenska chocolat blanc" mon dieu qu'elle délice j'adore je suis de France et aimerais savoir ou il y a la vente de ce chocolat sur le web


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