Kitkat Chunky Mint (Choose a Chunky Champion)

So here we have the Kitkat Chunky Mint which is part of the "Choose a Chunky Champion" range. I haven't tried any of the other flavours yet (which are coconut, hazelnut and choc fudge) but I bought this along with the Hazelnut on a 2 for £1 deal at a local Premier store.

I wasn't expecting much from this to be honest, as mint flavoured product variations tend to be underwheming, I find. However that wasn't the case with this Kitkat Chunky Mint. It tasted very minty and delicious! Kitkat Chunky is delicious anyway, but the addition of the mint flavoured chocolate to the crunchy wafer made it even more addictive. It tasted quite strong, just how I like my minty chocolate! I can't help but think it would be even nicer with a layer of mint creme filling, similar to After Eight. Heck, they should just make an After Eight Kitkat! (imagine the advertising: "Now you can have your Kitkat after eight!")

I somehow doubt this will win the "Choose a Chunky Champion" competition, and reckon the Coconut variety will take that honor. Why? Well, coconut just seems like more of a special flavour to me. That said, I haven't actually tried the coconut variety yet, it's next on my list after the Hazelnut.

Overall, a delicious Kitkat that should be made permanent whether or not it wins "Choose a Chunky Champion". Which is your favorite flavour from the new Kitkat range?


  1. Even though mint is a very popular flavour for chocolate I agree with you in thinking this Mint Chunky won't win. It's a bit like the Orange one last time around - just not different enough.

  2. Grocery Gems is right; it's not that the mint is bad, but rather that it's not unique enough. I felt this and the coconut variant to be delicious but too rich, but I feel at least coconut in the UK is a pretty uncommon prospect!!

    1. Yeah, they missed an opportunity with these new flavours to make something truly unique. Did you ever try the Kitkat Editions they did years ago? They had cream fillings that included passionfruit, red berry and tiramisu flavours.

  3. My favourite Kit Kat Chunky from this year's line-up.


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