Teapigs Chocolate & Mint Tea (Guest Review by William)

Hello there, it's William here and I'm finally back with a new guest review. Moving away from chocolate (just a tiny bit), I've been wanting to review more teas and other healthier food and drink.

Teapigs is a premium British tea brand that offers a range of different teas that us Brits may not have even heard of before, like their oolong tea and today I have a review for you on one of their most recent new releases.

Around Autumn last year, Teapigs launched a new range of “naturally caffeine free” teas in a range of new and exciting flavours. This particular tea caught my eye whilst shopping in Waitrose so I bought a box of these (and I also bought the Chocolate Flake tea, which I might review soon). Like the Chocolate Flake tea, this tea has real chocolate pieces in the tea “temples” which make the cuppa taste so much better.

Each box contains 15 biodegradable “tea temples” which are mesh bags instead of the traditional paper teabag yet they retain the traditional “bag on the string” brewing mechanism which you usually get with Twinings teas.

The box insists you should brew this for 3 - 5 minutes (I brewed mine for 4 minutes) and not add any sugar or milk.

The scent of the box itself is quite different to the scent of the tea after brewing. The cup has a very strong peppermint scent with a few cocoa notes in there and even though you can't really smell the “chocolate”, it does add a little more sweetness and nuttiness to the tea.

The taste however is incredible. Even though it doesn't taste just like a real mint choc chip ice cream and still has that traditional “tea” flavour, it's still quite a nice cuppa. This doesn't have the strongest chocolate flavour but you can still definitely taste chocolate in there and paired with the mint, it's pleasant but I feel that the mint is slightly overpowering. If there were more chocolate chips in the tea “temple”, this tea would be even better but I still recommend this to all the chocoholics out there.

Overall, I think this is an amazing great-tasting addition to the quirky Teapigs range and I really hope it stays a while because it's probably one of the best chocolate teas out there and beverages like this, I think are amazing for dieting. Whether I'm on a diet or not, I will definitely buy these again when I run out.

Anyway, if you liked this review and you'd like to see more posts from me, head over to my blog: www.moroneywilliam.blogspot.co.uk but I will hopefully be writing guest reviews more frequently on here soon!

RATING: 7.9 out of 10

From: Waitrose.
RRP: £4.15
Weight: 37.5g (15 biodegradable tea temples).
Recommend?: These are ideal for dieters who love their chocolate and are struggling to give it up or just for those who are quite adventurous. If you love chocolate and mint too, I'm sure this will be right up your street!


  1. seen from the zoom, I think its a very good cake and can be enjoyed anytime and rich will not get bored and definitely want to try again ace maxs

  2. I really love teapigs, did anyone go to that even last year they had? I got lots and lots of free samples, I hope they do it this year too! It was on here - http://www.fantasticfreebies.co.uk/free-teapigs-tea/


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