Fruit Bowl Strawberry Fruit Peelers Review

I was recently sent a selection of Fruit Bowl snacks to review, and the first I tried were these "Fruit Peelers". I'm always trying to reduce my sugar intake and eat healthier so these were a very welcome snack! They're currently available from most supermarkets, I believe, plus Poundland sells most of the range too.

The peelers contain fruit concentrates including strawberry and apple, and no refined sugar. They look kind of like fruity liqorice sticks that can be pulled apart...hence the name!

I took some out with me for a quick snack and they did the job perfectly. They had a strong flavour of strawberry and gave me a nice boost of energy, although I will admit, as soon as I ate one I immediately wanted another! That said, they didn't give me a massive sugar rush like chocolate usually does.

Overall, these are a tasty, sweet snack that is far healthier than chocolate. I imagine they would make a good addition to children's lunchboxes.

RATING: 7.5 out of 10. 

Fruit Peelers are gluten-free, dairy-free and suitable for vegetarians. For more info:

*Product sent for an honest review. 


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