Snack Reviews Pick & Mix

I thought it'd be fun to compile some of the latest snacks I've been reviewing over on Instagram into one post here...enjoy! 

KitKat Snack 'It:
kitkat snak it

An Australian concoction, these are a mixture of KitKat Bites, pretzels, popcorn and almonds. A nice mix of sweet and savoury that works rather well! Great for the cinema. I got them from Gb Gifts website (code Kevs10 gets a 10% discount).

Nestle Nuts White Chocolate:
nestle nuts white chocolate

A white chocolate limited edition is always worth trying, and this Russian variety of Nestle Nuts is interesting for sure...not the best quality white chocolate which is a shame but it's nice to try a milkier version of the classic nougat, hazelnut and caramel bar. Also from Gb Gifts.

Cadbury Clinkers:
cadbury clinkers

Another treat from Gb Gifts I got were these Cadbury Clinkers, which are crunchy honeycomb like candy sweets coated in Cadbury chocolate. They're an Australian classic and quite tasty and fun, despite sounding sickly!

Fruittella Gelatine Free Sour Hippos:
fruittella gelatine free sour hippos

A new treat available in Poundland in the UK are these Gelatine Free Hippos, fruity sour gummies with real fruit juice in. They're pretty tasty and just as good as any gelatine version.

Haribo Drama-Llamas:
haribo drama llama

A new one also in Poundland  that does contain gelatine are these Haribo Llama sweets. Of course they had to get in on the Llama trend - they already did Unicorns last year so this was the logical next step! (I bet sloths will be next). They're tasty enough although nothing ground-breaking.

Push Chocolate Dairy Free Buttons:
push vegan chocolate buttons

If you're tired of mainstream dairy free chocolate options, this smaller company makes tasty vegan chocolate buttons in various flavours like mint and orange, that use rice cream as well as panella sugar to make them creamy and rather moreish. I really enjoyed these! They also contain vegan plant protein (rice and pea). For more info on them see:

Baileys Strawberries and Cream Truffles:
baileys strawberries and cream truffles

Available from Asda for Valentines Day, I was kindly sent these by World Of Sweets De who import some cool German snacks. Check them out for new Ritter and Lindt bars especially. They're filled with a strawberry and Irish cream filling that's reminiscent of strawberry cremes from Quality Street and Roses with an irish crème edge. Lovely!

Snickers Coconut and Peach White Chocolate:
snickers coconut and peach

Another oddity I picked up from Gb Gifts were these Chinese Snickers bars, in both peach and coconut flavours with a "cooling" sensation. They sound odd but aren't as bad as they sound - the cooling sensation enhances the flavours, which aren't too strong or sickly but just there enough to taste. A bit of a fun novelty.

Swizzels Great British Puds Chews:
swizzels great british puds chews

These are some new vegan-friendly chewy sweets that come in Apple Pie and Custard, Sticky Toffee Pud, Lemon Meringue and Rhubarb Crumble. A bit odd but they are surprisingly nice and fit the great british puds theme well. Available from Morrisons.

Jaffa Cakes Pineapple:
jaffa cakes pineapple

A rather odd new Jaffa Cake flavour from McVities, these are available in Asda and Morrisons stores. The filling has a good pineapple flavour but it doesn't work in a Jaffa Cake in my opinion.

McVities Strawberries & Cream Digestives:
mcvities strawberries and cream digestives

Another new flavour from McVitie's are these rather more palatable Strawberries and Cream Digestives. They have a good strawberry and cream flavour in the biscuit, although, I would have preferred some white chocolate and strawberry pieces to live up to the name! (Incidentally - who remembers McVitie's Yog Fruit digestives which were AMAZING, with yoghurt coatings and strawberry puree pieces?) Pic -

Maltesers Extra Choc:
maltesers extra choc
Another Gb Gifts order, these are Australian Maltesers with a thicker layer of chocolate coating them. Not bad but nothing spectacular - half the point of Maltesers is that they have a light chocolate coating!

That's it for this Reviews Pick and Mix edition...should I do more of these? Let me know if you'd like to see them! Thanks for reading. 


  1. Haha some funky ones! Pineapple Jaffa Cakes :-| Now that is interesting!

  2. Are the Clinkers actually like Crunchie? They look like chocolate coated Edinburgh rock to me.

    I tried the new Cherry bakewell Digestive's recently, quite like 'em. Got a packet of the strawberry one's in the cupboard for when they're done.

    1. Not in taste but definitely in texture! More of a sweet plain candy taste, not like rock though.

  3. I watched one of those "people from different countries try each other snacks" and it was Oz and NZ and the OZ guy described Clinkers as chocolate covered chalk! (but in a positive way!) I've not tried them myself, i thought they were like the bits you get in 'lolly cake' but they sound like it's harder texture.


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