M&M's Biscuits Review

A while back I reviewed these M&M's Biscuits over on Instagram - they were a German import - and now they're avaialable in the UK from Tesco! They're classic crunchy biscuits with a chocolate topping and mini M&M's on top - a simple combination, but one that's very fun and tasty! The biscuits have a good wheaty taste, quality milk chocolate and the M&M's add some crunch. Lovely! If this sounds like your thing check them out at Tesco now - they're a bit pricey at £2.50 but will very likely be on special offer at some point soon. Apologies for the briefer review - I've been busy over on my Instagram and new Facebook page (follow here: https://www.facebook.com/snacksnews ) which has eaten up most of my spare time. For those still reading this blog - thankyou, it's much appreciated!