Cadbury Dream White Christmas Review

Christmas is fast approaching, and while it might not be a White Christmas weather-wise (more like a washout-mas!) it now can be in terms of chocolate! Because you can get Cadbury Dream White Christmas bars with almonds, raspberries and rice crispies (available from Gb Gifts - Kevs10 gets you a 10% discount off all items). They've been selling out fast and I can see why! Now I'm a big fan of Aussie Dream white chocolate, maybe it's nostalgia since they stopped making it in the UK, but it does have a distinct "Cadbury" creamy flavour that I enjoy. So I was surprised that it actually played second fiddle in this bar and you could barely taste it! Yes, this bar is chock full of mix ins, from dried crunchy raspberries, crunchy roasted almonds and crispy rice pieces. Turning the bar over they're literally all that's visible on the bottom. I'm not always a fan of dried raspberries in chocolate to be honest, it can be either gritty or too tart...